Your specifities...
Glass is mainly composed of silicon oxide and fluxes. Its chemical composition varies according to its manufacturing method, the shaping process and the intended use. The atomic and molecular structure of glass is that of an amorphous material with a glass transition and very few stoichiometric constraints. This means that a glass can be made of a wide variety of elements.
This material with its varied and complex functions has many advantages for a large number of applications from an industrial point of view and in our daily lives.
The building industry was one of the first to identify the usefulness of glass, allowing light to pass through while providing thermal and acoustic insulation. It can be used to create unique and modern aesthetic designs. Its transparency, chemical and heat resistance, and ease of cleaning have attracted all industrial sectors: pharmaceutical, food, chemical, automotive, but also craftsmen, architects and consumers. Glass can also be used to isolate radioactive waste thanks to its flexible amorphous structure, which allows it to confine numerous chemical elements, including radionuclides, on an atomic scale. The luxury industry uses it with high lead content, giving it a more intense brilliance and better known as crystal.
In recent decades, glass has been replaced in the food industry and in other sectors by plastic materials considered more resistant, lighter and less expensive. Recently, driven by environmental awareness, glass is gradually regaining its role as an ideal container (bottles, jars, etc.) with very little interaction with the content and excellent resistance to corrosion.
BIOPHY RESEARCH, expert in material characterization, assists many glass manufacturers in their physicochemical analyses.
Chemical, atomic and molecular composition, physical and optical properties, surface treatments, ageing... our laboratory has many analytical solutions to solve your material problems and thus ensure the quality and performance of your products.
Our analysis...
All these problems and many others have been solved by our team. Our complete range of instruments and our expertise allow us to offer you the optimal analytical solution.